5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.16

A few buffs to some of the AD carry cast will help propel just one, although there are some newcomers on the path to the best. | Photo by Riot Games
A few buffs to some of the AD carry cast will help propel just one, although there are some newcomers on the path to the best. | Photo by Riot Games /

League of Legends Patch 11.16 is approaching on Aug. 11 amid Riot Games' mid-year break for a week. Buffs and nerfs were scattered across most lanes, but will see two AD carries bump up in strength - however, there are five that particularly stand out as the best ADCs to play.

5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.16

1. Ezreal

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Ezreal will have some struggles with the other cast of characters being slightly stronger than him, however, other champions under him are subpar when it comes to his damage and his ability to slip out of fights. He will be the best pick if any other champion above him is banned or picked.

2. Jhin

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Jhin has had less-than-stellar results as of late, and the balance team decided it was time to buff him just slightly so he can get a bit of an edge. He'll have more damage on his Deadly Flourish (W) ability, from 50-190 to 60-200, and a higher minimum damage AD ratio, from 20% to 25%. It may not make him the best ADC to play, however, he'll have some added strength to lead him towards the top.

3. Vayne

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Hyper carries are going to remain relevant in the next patch. And Vayne mains can rejoice as she will remain as a solid pick in the bot lane to propel a team to a victory in the late game against the tanks in the front line.

4. Tristana

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Sieging towers early on with a kit that allows her to scale into the late game with ease makes Tristana nearly on a class of her own. Utility in sieging towers early on really makes her shine to help scale, especially with an expensive build to cope with.

5. Aphelios

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It's taken some time for Aphelios to finally hit the top percentages in win rates, especially in Challenger ranks. But, after some time with tweaking his abilities through various patches, Aphelios is showing how strong he can be with his kit. There are no adjustments for him in Patch 11.16, so it'd be best to try him out now.