5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8

Glass cannons are the backbone of teamfights, and here are the five we think are the most powerful.
Glass cannons are the backbone of teamfights, and here are the five we think are the most powerful. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

These are the five best AD carries in League of Legends during Patch 11.8. An honorable mention goes out to Aphelios, who has received a lot of buffs to both his passive and ultimate abilities and would have made the list were it not for the following:

5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8

1. Jinx

This trigger-happy glass cannon made it to number one, not just because of how well she's doing in the rankings, but also because of her gameplay. Overall, Jinx's high-risk high-reward way of playing means that players have to focus more than usual on getting kills, to get that increased movement speed, and mobility that attack-damage carries normally lack.

2. Ezreal

Having a versatile kit that has not changed much since his launching, Ezreal remains a great pick mostly because of how forgiving his gameplay can be. Did you misuse your flash and are stuck between an enemy and a wall? No problem, Ezreal has an ability that is essentially another flash. Not to mention there are many builds that work on him, so feel free to change the core build based on the situation.

3. Ashe

Patch 11.7 buffed Ashe just enough to see an increase in her gameplay, and an improvement on her win-rate. She lacks a lot of mobility, but compensates it with stuns, slows and vision. An underrated part of her kit is the fact that two of her abilities are global, meaning she can help her teammates see the enemy team while knocking down turrets quickly.

4. Samira

5 Best AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8
The Desert Rose has a unique kit that is hard on beginners, but worth the payoff. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Long-range and short-range fighting somehow work well in Samira's kit. She is difficult to master, but once you do, you have an arsenal of AOE damage, a projectile destroyer, escape and more if you know how to build her style rank up quickly.

5. Kai'Sa

Because of a nerf, Kai'Sa is not as high as she could be in this list, but her assassin-like playstyle and high burst damage still lands her a spot in the top five ADCs to use this patch. The fact that she can also chase down her opponents makes her similar to Jinx in the sense that once they start killing one of the enemy players, it's either a pentakill or nothing with them.