5 Best AD Carries of League Of Legends Patch 11.5

Champions like Senna who fulfill more than one role (in this case, support and bot lane) are favored in the current meta.
Champions like Senna who fulfill more than one role (in this case, support and bot lane) are favored in the current meta. /

Determining who the best AD carry in League of Legends Patch 11.5 depends on the ranking a player is on, how well they synergize with their support, and a million other factors since no match is ever the same in League of Legends. The more versatile a champion is, the higher the tier they will be on in this list particularly as we are seeing a rise in "multi-class" AD carries. Some can be both a support character and an AD carry, others can be an assassin and an AD carry. Without further ado, here is the list for this patch in particular:

1. Kai'Sa

Courtesy of Riot Games.
Being an assassin and an ADC makes Kai'Sa one of the most versatile champions this patch. /

Despite a weak laning phase, Kai'Sa makes up for it with her kit that mixes the mobility of an assassin with the damage output and ranged damage of an ADC. The way her damage stacks is great when dealing with targets that have a large health pool, while still being a great champion in one-versus-one or two-versus-one scenarios.

2. Senna

Killing enemies and healing allies is what Senna does best, placing her at #2 in this list.
Killing enemies and healing allies is what Senna does best, placing her at #2 in this list. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

In the same way that Kai'Sa seems to be both an assassin and an ADC, Senna works as both a support champion and a bot lane champion. With amazing sustain thanks to her Q, Senna is a force that can assist in team fights as a damage dealer and a healer.

3. Jhin

With a guaranteed critical hit for every four auto attacks, players can try different builds with Jhin that are still viable.
With a guaranteed critical hit for every four auto attacks, players can try different builds with Jhin that are still viable. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Because of Jhin's passive, many players can use a variety of Lethality-based builds over

4. Ezreal

Ever since his release, Ezreal has been a consistent pick.
Ever since his release, Ezreal has been a consistent pick. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Ezreal's mobility works for players that wish to play it safe, as well as those with an aggressive approach who chase a pentakill. Especially with new changes on Muramana that can increase his attack-damage in this patch.

5. Miss Fortune

Similar to Jhin, MF has a guaranteed critical hit on one of her abilities which is why many damage or Lethality oriented builds work with her.
Similar to Jhin, MF has a guaranteed critical hit on one of her abilities which is why many damage or Lethality oriented builds work with her. / Courtesy of Riot Games.

Sarah Fortune has a Q ability that allows her to land a critical hit, allowing for this champion to have different builds depending on the occasion. Lethality, full-damage, hybrid, and whatever comes to the player's minds are all viable thanks to her kit that also has some ability power in it.