5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.1

Patch 10.1 is the first patch of League of Legends Season 10! Aside from the latest champion punching his way into the rift, this patch comes with a slew of minor changes to shake up the meta just before the season starts!
The Bot Lane has been very important since the launch of the preseason patch thanks to the changes made to Dragons. This makes having the proper bot lane essential for contesting the objective. Below are five bot lane combinations aimed for gaining lane priority and able to fight around objectives well.
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— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) January 8, 2020
1. Miss Fortune and Ashe (support)
Ashe support has become quite popular since the new support items have been introduced to the game. This lane duo focuses on setting up for Miss Fortune's ultimate with Ashe's ult, allowing her to get a max duration ult off on the stunned target.
2. Miss Fortune and Lux
This lane works much like Ashe and Miss Fortune, with the slight difference that Lux's root is on a MUCH shorter cooldown than Ashe's stun, allowing Lux to set up for Miss Fortune's ultimate much easier. Lux's ultimate also deals quite a bit of damage, helping secure kills on anyone misfortunate to get caught with Lux's binding.
3. Aphelios and Braum
This lane duo is great for covering up Aphelios's weak early game. Aphelois's Severum, his first off hand weapon of the game allows him to attack multiple times in rapid succession, allowing him to proc Braum's passive faster than anyone with relative ease. This makes them dangerous for the first couple minutes of the game, until he has to swap weapons.
4. Senna and Nami
Nami received a change allowing her Tidecaller's Blessing to now apply on abilities, meaning that Senna's Q will do extra damage and apply a slow when the effect is active on her. This makes them quite dangerous, and will help Senna out immensely in the early game.
5. Draven and Nami
Draven and Nami have always been strong, but with Nami's buffs, the two will be harder to deal with since Draven can also apply a team wide slow with his ultimate if Nami has her Tidecaller's Blessing active on him.