5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.7

With League of Legends Patch 10.7 expected to hit live servers on April 1, here are the five best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.7.
With League of Legends Patch 10.7 expected to hit live servers on April 1, here are the five best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.7. / Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 10.7 is expected to hit live servers on April 1. Here are the five best bot lane duos in League of Legends Patch 10.7 that can help you climb in solo queue.

5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 10.7

1. Miss Fortune and Nami

Nami has slowly been rising to the top of the support champion pool in League of Legends and posted the highest win rate of any support on Patch 10.6 at just over 54 percent. Considering that she won't be receiving any nerfs on Patch 10.7, she'll most likely remain one of the strongest supports in the game.

Combine her strength with one of the strongest AD carries in Season 10, Miss Fortune, to get a bot lane duo that can dominate most opponents. Her strength in the early game, combined with her strong late game scaling, helps her to be relevant at all points in the game. She can even change the entire game with a well placed Bullet Time (R) around Baron Nashor or Elder Drake.

2. Kalista and Taric

Kalista and Taric saw a fair bit of play in the LCS and is still considered a top tier bot lane duo on Patch 10.7. This combination of champions has so much synergy because of Kalista's Fate's Call (R) and Taric's Dazzle (E). The ability to crowd control an opposing carry while giving the whole team invulnerability through Cosmic Radiance (R) makes Taric and Kalitsa an intimidating duo.

3. Senna and Nautilus

The FlyQuest bot lane duo is still one of the strongest on Patch 10.7. While Senna was changed to make her more viable as a support than as an AD carry, her ability to farm gold with just a support item and gain souls through Absolution (Passive) make her a monster in the mid game.

With all the gold from minions going on to Nautilus, he can get a power spike in the mid game and transition into a full tank build in the late game. Add to that the kill pressure that Nautilus gets at level 6 and you have a bot lane duo that can dish out oppressive poke early and threaten their opponents with an all-in engage in the mid game.

4. Varus and Braum

Varus has started to see more and more professional play over the last several patches, partially due to nerfs to Aphelios and Senna, but also because of the champion's utility and late game scaling. He can start off team fights well with a pick using Chain of Corruption (R) and apply Grevious Wounds to the enemy team using Hail of Arrows (E).

While Varus is a short range AD carry, he becomes safer to play when paired with a champion like Braum that can soak skillshot with Unbreakable (E) and set up plays with Concussive Blows (Passive) and Glacial Fissure (R). The two are a great bot lane duo that can survive most matchups early and can scale into the late game well.

5. Miss Fortune and Leona

Miss Fortune and Leona were the premier bot lane at the start of Season 10 and continue to be one of the strongest duos on Patch 10.7. Leona's all in potential at level 2 with just Shield of Daybreak (Q) and Zenith Blade (E) gives her the ability to constantly apply pressure in lane and once she gets Solar Flare at level 6, she can roam and secure kills for her mid laner with ease.

Miss Fortune matches Leona's early game aggression with a kit that allows her to easily activate the Press the Attack rune with Double Up (Q) and two autos. Her mid game and late game scaling only add to the duo's strength, as a well placed Bullet Time (R) with a Solar Flare from Leona can lock down and kill the opposing carry from almost a whole screen away.