5 Best Champions to Pair With Gwen in League of Legends
With Gwen's debut on the horizon, players are already thinking of ways to work her into the fold. The "Hallowed Seamstress" has been described by Mark Yetter, League of Legends gameplay designer, as a “squishy AP fighter.” It'll be interesting to see how she fits into this current meta but if paired correctly with the right team she'll be a deadly ally.
Here are the five best champions to pair with Gwen in League of Legends.
5 Best Champions to Pair With Gwen in League of Legends
One of Gwen's biggest tools is her Hallowed Mist which gives her a few moments of invulnerability while inside allowing her to deal bursts of damage without worrying about retaliation. The obvious play as an enemy would be to get out of range of the mist. Who better than Darius to pull them right back in and deal some damage of his own?
Stuns and knock ups will be Gwen's best friend and with Malphite's ability to knock up multiple targets at once with his Unstoppable Force (R). This will give Gwen time to lockdown her enemies and deal huge damage.
Maokai slows, stuns, and locks down enemies everything that Gwen players will need to dish out big burst damage. All of his moves cater to Gwen's kit and the two are a match made in heaven.
What's better than one character with invulnerability? Two characters with invulnerability. Kayle can make it so that players will never be able to touch Gwen with the help of her Divine Judgement (R). The two will throw out tons of damage while cancelling out the enemies damage.
If Gwen is in the top lane, the combined damage players will see from this tag team will be absolutely outrageous. If Olaf can hit his Undertow (Q) and slow the enemy champion down there's no way that these two won't decimate anyone in front of them in the early game.