5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.7

Another new League of Legends patch is scheduled to be released on April 1 and here are the five best junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.7.
Another new League of Legends patch is scheduled to be released on April 1 and here are the five best junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.7. / Courtesy of Riot Games

Another new League of Legends patch is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, April 1. Here are the champions we expect to be the five best junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.7.

5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 10.7

1. Zac

Zac has surpassed Sejuani as the primary tank jungler in League of Legends Patch 10.6 and looks poised to keep the top spot on Patch 10.7. Zac's kit is largely the reason for his rise to prominence, with three different forms of crowd control: Stretching Strikes (Q), Elastic Slingshot (E), and Let's Bounce (R).

He can also tank an enormous amount of damage with his health regeneration on Cell Division (Passive). This means that he can engage from long range and at unconventional angles and still be able to tank most of the enemy's damage while his team fights front to back to get to the enemy carries. He does have a rough early game clear, but once he gets Cinderhulk and a few levels in Elastic Slingshot, he's online and ready to fight.

2. Wukong

Even after receiving a set of hotfix nerfs on Patch 10.6, Wukong has managed to keep the highest win rate in jungle at just under 55 percent. The nerfs that are set to come on Patch 10.7 don't seem like they'll push him into the bottom tier or even out of his top spot, since he'll only be losing 2 armor per stack of his passive in the late stages of the game.

The changes to Wukong's Cyclone (R) now allow him to cast it twice within the same fight, increasing the amount of crowd control in his kit while still maintaining the same kind of tankiness and deception he's known for in team fights. These changes make his Level 6 ganks much stronger and allow the champion to scale much better into the mid to late game as a bruiser, instead of an assassin.

3. Karthus

Karthus is one of the best junglers on Patch 10.7 and has been for several patches, because of his ability to scale into a late game monster that can take away half the enemy's carries health with one Requiem (R). Add to that the massive damage that comes from hitting just one Lay Waste (Q) and Defile (E) and you have a champion that can win team fights by dying in a strategic location.

Karthus requires a significant amount of game knowledge and skill in order to play effectively. His first clear is incredibly rough if you don't know how to properly kite camps and his kit is not build to pull off successful lane ganks due to his lack of crowd control and weak early game damage. That means that drafting Karthus into three losing lanes may not be the best decision, but he can still be a viable pick assuming your lanes can handle themselves well enough to let you scale into the late game.

4. Nunu & Willump

Nunu & Willump is a surprising addition to the list, but is strong for many of the same reasons that Zac is. Nunu's kit emphasizes crowd control, with three different ways to slow enemies: Biggest Snowball Ever! (W), Snowball Barrage (E), and Absolute Zero (R). He can also sustain through the jungle incredibly well with the healing and damage from Consume (Q).

Nunu also has a great ability to secure major objectives by combining Consume with Smite to deal well over 1,500 true damage to Baron Nashor or Elder Dragon, giving his team a big advantage in fights near the pit. Nunu can also counter jungle well, as long as he can use Biggest Snowball Ever! to escape and has lanes with enough pressure to allow him to invade the opponent's jungle.

5. Ekko

Ekko used to be one of the top tier junglers to start Season 10 and he's still managed to retain some of that power on League of Legends Patch 10.7. Ekko's main strength comes from his late game scaling and damage he can inflict on an opposing carry with just Timewinder (Q), Phase Dive (E), and Z-Drive Resonance (Passive).

Unlike some other assassins, Ekko also has the ability to reset the fight with a well timed and properly placed Chronobreak (R) and Parallel Convergence (W). The ability to regenerate a significant portion of his health on such a low cooldown allows him to look for picks on out of position players more than other assassins and gives him more mobility and freedom during the late game.