5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.16

The jungle for League of Legends Patch 11.16 will be hit the most for some champions, and these picks shine above the rest. | Photo by Riot Games
The jungle for League of Legends Patch 11.16 will be hit the most for some champions, and these picks shine above the rest. | Photo by Riot Games /

League of Legends Patch 11.16 will shake up the meta as champions vie for the best picks of the jungle in the next patch.

5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.16

The jungle is arguably the most affected lane for Patch 11.16. Nerfs for Diana, Lee Sin and Xin Zhao will take them down from their previous dominance from patches prior, and buffs for Jarvan IV, Nunu and Shaco may just define the meta for the next patch.

1. Lee Sin

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As for the upcoming patch, Lee Sin will take a huge hit in his power early on with a nerf on his Iron Will (W) ability. The omnivamp will decrease from 10-30% to 5-25%, ultimately decreasing his early-game dominance and quick jungle clears. Though the nerf will hurt him a bit, he still has a lot of tools in his kit to make plays and provide as a solid tank that can pester the back line in team fights.

2. Xin Zhao

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Xin Zhao will be hit with a small nerf for Patch 11.16 as his base attack damage will drop from 66 to 63. Though, his AD was the least of people's problems, players will have a tiny headache when trying to figure out why clearing the jungle may take a bit longer than usual. However, his utility and being able to be invulnerable make him a great asset to any team fight regardless.

3. Viego

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The ruined king has had a bit of a struggle in win rates for Challenger ranks, however, this does not discredit how much damage he can put out at any given time. He boasts the highest ban rate in higher-ranked matches and perhaps, it's rightfully so as he is definitely a pick-or-ban champion.

4. Kha'Zix

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As assassins are becoming a bit more popular as of the meta, Kha'Zix in the jungle will become essential if a team composition is built around high amounts of damage over sustaining the fights.

5. Nidalee

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Nidalee will dethrone the current king of the jungle, Lee Sin, as Nidalee will provide as an even more versatile pick that can do damage from afar and up close. Though she may lack in providing utility, if there are openings to grab ahold of the squishier champion on the enemy team, Nidalee can take them down with relative ease.