5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.3

5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.3
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.3 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Jungler is one of the hardest positions to learn in League of Legends. Junglers have to be aware of what's happening around the entire map, and constantly are checking the in game clock for objectives. The jungle is also a very volatile position, since a lot of jungle champions counter each other. Good jungle champions can quickly dispose of camps and gank easily.

With the upcoming patch in mind, here are the five best junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.3.

5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.3


Taliyah is getting a lot of attention in professional play right now, and for good reason. Although her jungle camp clear appears to be slower than her counterparts, she makes up for it in mobility. Taliyah's Rock Surfing (passive) and Weaver's Wall make it easy to traverse the map. On top of that, abilities like Seismic Shove (W) and Unraveled Earth (E) make it easy for her to gank opponents who are overextended. The items Taliyah typically builds were practically untouched as well.


Udyr gets nerfed in Patch 11.3 overall. However, Slightly less damage on his Phoenix Stance (R) won't stop this champion. Udyr's jungle clear is still fast in comparison to others thanks to his Bear Stance (E) and Tiger Stance (Q). Udyr typically builds a Dead Man's Plate as his second item, which does give less armor now. However, that doesn't stop Udyr from becoming a tank of a jungler.


Pantheon is kind of a swiss army knife of a champion. He can flex to basically any role except AD Carry. That being said, Pantheon is thriving as a jungler this patch. His Comet Spear is getting reworked so that the cooldown is longer, but the ability will do more damage to monsters and minions. Overall, the change won't affect how fast he can clear camps, and the extra damage will mean he can take objectives faster. Jungle Pantheon typically takes Goredrinker and Sterak's Gage, which both receive nerfs this patch. However, Pantheon's ability to gank and impact team fights with his Shield Vault (W) and Grand Starfall (R) cannot be ignored.


Karthus was practically untouched by this patch, meaning he continues to be a solid pick as a jungler. His camp clear is surprisingly fast thanks to Lay Waste (Q) and Defile (E). His Wall of Pain (W) can help pull of ganks. Between Requiem (R) and his Death Defied (passive), Karthus will make his impact known in team fights. In terms of items, Zhonya's extra 100 gold won't make much of a difference to Karthus.


Nidalee is another jungler that see's a lot of attention in professional play. She can quickly deal with jungle camps and move around the map, especially in her cougar form. She can also easily gank with Bushwack/Pounce (W), and combine it with Javelin Toss/ Takedown (Q) for a large chunk of damage. She does typically build a Lich Bane and Zhonya's Hourglass. However, the minor nerfs to these items won't change how quickly she can accumulate gold.