5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.7

The bane of the bot lane, junglers are tough to rank given the playstyles differ vastly, even after the changes made in League of Legends Patch 11.7. Some rely on being vanguard tanks that initiate team fights, while others hide in the bushes and wait for the right moment to take down the glass cannons. So, taking differences into consideration, and how well they have been doing in the charts, here are the champions we think are the best junglers for this patch:
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 11.7
1. Hecarim
Even though Hecarim was nerfed recently, he still remains a strong pick since his E ability is used more often than not as a tool to engage in a gank rather than an escape method. Some analysts predicted that the nerfs to core items in his build would affect him, but it has not changed him that much from previous patches.
2. Kha'Zix
The Voidreaver has been at the top of pick-rate and win-rate charts for some time now, and it's no surprise with a passive that allows him to evolve, or in other words, have a strong late-game presence. With Void Spike, Kha'Zix can heal himself. Overall, his kit rewards players that take out unsuspecting targets (do watch out for crowd control, though).
3. Udyr
Despite having lower attack damage, he still has a strong early phase game. When most champions are struggling to even get their ultimates, Udyr already has stacking movement speed, increased attack speed, a shield that can heal him (percentage health, mind you), and a stun. Which explains why his statistics are doing well across the board.
4. Elise
A versatile champion with both melee and ranged damage, Elise's crowd control and two-forms make her an excellent jungler. Her kit also features damage over time and spiderlings that do her bidding, making her a fearsome foe particularly when she has the red and blue buffs.
5. Shaco
What makes Shaco a strong opponent is that the enemy player can not just target him. Enemies have to take down his turrets, his illusion, but before they can tell which one is which a good Shaco can attack from behind and take advantage of his Backstab passive. Though not as strong in team fights as other junglers in this list, his kit makes him a fearsome foe with sufficient crowd control to disrupt enemies.
In terms of balancing, junglers have been a class that League of Legends developers are looking at (perhaps explaining why they change the core items in different patches.) So while we wait and see what changes upcoming patches have in store, feel free to play any champion you'd like as a jungler--even if these are the ones we think fit the meta best at the moment, this list is pure opinion and not set in stone.