5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 12.17
By Daniel Mejia

Each new patch of League of Legends is a chance for Riot Games to balance out their hit MOBA. With these changes comes the inevitable top-tier pick that outshines all of the other champions and helps players to climb through the ranks.
Here is our list of the five best junglers to help you dominate the competition in League of Legends Patch 12.17.
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 12.17
1. Kayn
There is a reason Kayn has a 38% ban rate and a 13% pick rate. In a capable jungler's hands, Kayn can be an absolute powerhouse. Thanks to his two forms, Kayn can be a good fit in any team composition. For sustain and tankiness, try going for Kayn's red form, Rhaast. For mobility and high damage, Kayn's blue form, Shadow Assassin is the way to go. Either way, Kayn is sure to bring you good results.
2. Udyr
While Udyr had never been a popular champion before, his rework helped move him up in both pick rate and in the current meta. His revamped abilities make him a serious threat with high damage while also keeping high mobility, allowing players to move in, get picks, and leave before the enemy even realized what hit them.
3. Fiddlesticks
You don't have to be a mechanically gifted player to see results on Fiddlesticks and that makes him perfect for players looking to try out the jungle role. While he may not be the strongest champion during the early game, Fiddlesticks more than makes up for it during the mid and late game as his ultimate ability is a game changer if used right. Paired with his excellent wave clear, Fiddlesticks makes a great champion to have on the team.
4. Master Yi
Master Yi is a simple champion to pick up and play but has a high potential to steamroll the game if played right. He scales exceptionally well into the late game so the longer the game goes on, the stronger Master Yi will get. His high damage paired with incredible mobility makes Master Yi a monster on the rift and any player looking to ease themselves into the jungle role would do well to unlock Master Yi.
5. Bel'Veth
Bel'Veth is one of the newest champions added to League of Legends whose passive helps them scale well into the light game. Similar to Master Yi, Bel'Veth excels at starting fights and doesn't stop until the enemy has been defeated. Along with her exceptional passive ability, Bel'Veth's ultimate ability helps her continue the fight as it provides her an empowered form to beat back enemy forces.