5 Best Junglers to Pair With Qiyana in League of Legends

Qiyana, the newest League of Legends champion, hits live servers this week. She will release with League of Legends Patch 9.13, and as such here are the five best junglers to play with the new mid lane assassin.

5. Kayn

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Image Courtesy of Riot Games /

Either form of Kayn is strong with Qiyana. He can either mirror her assassin level of damage with his blue form or be the engage and peel for her by choosing his red form.

4. Hecarim

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It is not difficult to justify picking Hecarim, but he especially pairs well with Qiyana. He adds a lot of pressure with his engage potential and allows her to follow behind without much difficulty.

3. Sejuani

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Image Courtesy of Riot Games /

Sejuani does a good job of locking down potential threats and allowing for Qiyana -- and other assassins -- to pick off their targets.

2. Shaco

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Image Courtesy of Riot Games /

Qiyana has a good deal of mobility and lane, and cathing opponents off-guard with a Shaco gank can lead to an early kill, allowing Qiyana to push her advantage and scale well.

1. Evelynn

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Image Courtesy of Riot Games /

Evelynn goes well with Qiyana for a lot of the same reasons as Shaco. Evelynn does a great job at providing ganks on an unknowing target. Evelynn also provides a lot more damage than Shaco, which makes the difference for this ranking.

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