5 Best League of Legends Skins of 2021

Debonair Brand Prestige Edition
Debonair Brand Prestige Edition / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

We've put together a list of the five best League of Legends skins of 2021. As of today, Riot Games has released over 140 skins this year, surpassing the goal that they had set up for themselves. This year, Riot's visual design team showed off their skills by creating some of the most beautiful, fun and detailed skins ever.

Riot recently released the Debonair 2.0 skin set; a beautiful skin set featuring vibrant green and pearl white costumes for Brand, Leona, Malzahar, LeBlanc, Master Yi, Leona, Draven and Zed. These skins are currently available for purchase in the League of Legends shop.

The next skins to be released at the beginning of 2022 are Firelight Ekko, Elderwood Gnar and Elderwood Rek'Sai. On Twitter, players have been praising the arts and skins team this year for putting out beautiful skins.

5 Best League of Legends Skins of 2021

Here are the five best League of Legends skins of 2021, in no specific order.

1. Dawnbringer Morgana

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Dawnbringer Morgana was brought into this game this year and it goes without saying, the skin is absolutely gorgeous. The colors, details, and elegance can be seen in both the splash art and in-game.

2. Sentinel Rengar

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Sentinel Rengar has been a popular skin since its release. Rengar players have loved not just the look, but the way the skin plays as well in-game. Players have mentioned on Reddit that the skin is beautiful in game and looks amazing with the different chromas released. They have also mentioned that this skin does not interrupt Rengar's gameplay.

3. Space Groove Blitz & Crank

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

The Space Groove Blitz & Crank skin is incredibly cute and fun. The skin features a crabby cat and an aloof cat and nothing gets better than that. The skin looks incredible in-game and the colorful SFX and VFX make the skin worth adding to a player's collection.

4. Dream Dragon Yasuo

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Dream Dragon Yasuo was released with the Dragonmancer skin set. Dream Dragon Yasuo is beautiful, elegant and the color scheme creates a completely different feel to the champion. Along with the Dream Dragon skin, Riot also released the Truth Dragon Yasuo skin which is just as beautiful as this one.

5. Yuubee

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Riot's Bees! skin collection is definitely an overall favorite for League of Legend's players. Along with Bee'Maw, Riot also introduced Beezahar to the collection. However, Yubee is one of the cutest skins in the game, featuring Yuumi in a bee onesie. The skin is worth buying for the sole purpose of how adorable it is.