5 Best Lissandra Counters

Lissandra was once one of the most popular picks in League of Legends
Lissandra was once one of the most popular picks in League of Legends / Photo by Riot Games

For a long time, Lissandra was one of the best picks in League of Legends. At the peak of her run, she and the Aftershock rune were almost inseparable.

After nerfs to the rune and even Lissandra she has once again been mostly forgotten. Although, a new build path for Lissandra has started to pop up every now and then which shows Lissandra running Electrocute instead, allowing her to occasionally show her icy face on Summoner's Rift.

Here are five of the best counters to Lissandra.

5 Best Lissandra Counters

5. Ziggs

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It's not really clear as to why Ziggs has such a good win-rate into Lissandra. As an immobile mage, you'd expect Ziggs to be easy pickings for her, but oddly enough it seems to be the other way around, with Ziggs proving himself to be a consistent counter pick against the Ice Witch.

4. Rumble

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Lissandra needs to get in close to deal her damage and apply crowd control, allowing Rumble time to burn her down. If Lissandra even steps forward a little bit, Rumble can jump and harass easily. Even if saves her dash, Rumble still has enough slows to run her down.

3. Vladimir

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Vladimir typically has most short range mages beat because of his kit. Most short range mages lack the sustain he provides himself and don't scale as well. Where he lacks the crowd control that Lissandra brings, Vlad makes up for it in raw damage and sustain.

2. Kassadin

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Kassadin is a power pick recently and putting him against a mage like Lissandra just doesn't seem fair. She can't do any damage to him if he shields at the right time. If the Kassadin is even smarter, it can silence her so her dash doesn't go off. Even if she does manage to dash, Kassadin has almost infinite blinks.

1. Vel'Koz

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Vel'Koz has the highest win delta into Lissandra over any champion. He is another immobile mage and is exceptionally squishy. You'd think that Lissandra would be able to handle him well.

Alas, the problem here seems to be that Lissandra has a bit of a hard time actually killing Vel'koz due to her lack of damage. What's the point of having all this crowd control if Vel'koz can just walk away and chunk you while doing so?

Lissandra uses her dash she's a sitting duck, allowing Vel'Koz to land all of the skill shots required to proc his passive and disintegrate Lissandra with ease.