5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.11

League of Legends Patch 11.11 is just on the horizon, with only a few days until its release. Here are five of the best mid laners of Patch 11.11 to help you climb out the depths of solo queue.
Patch Preview 11.11 with tentative changes. Nearly done, but there may still be adjustments.
— Mark Yetter (@MarkYetter) May 18, 2021
-Added tank legendary changes
-Added Singed
-Removed a few that didn't hold up on closer investigation pic.twitter.com/lGwHZYXAPm
5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.11
Kassadin has always been one of those champions that needs some time and resources to really get him going. While it does take a little bit to get to the true breaking point of level 16 with three points into Riftwalk, the lower ELO you are, the better this pick becomes.
Lower ELO games always last longer on average, so a hyper-scaling pick like Kassadin would fit right at home. Take some time to get used to his kit, develop your skill with Kassadin in normal games, and when you are ready bust him out on the ranked rift and you will see results.
Diana has seen some recent success in the jungle, where she remains pretty powerful as well. Despite her jungle prowess, Diana remains a very strong mid pick. Diana's sheer engage potential with the multiple dashes she can get off due to her Q reset, as well as the potential to engage when flashing on the enemy team and ulting.
Additionally, Diana is super easy to pick up - just a handful of games on her and you will start to get the rhythm on how this champion plays.
A bit of a different playstyle than the previous two entries, with Anivia focusing much more on lane control and team fighting, as opposed to the scrappier nature of Diana. Where Anivia and Kassadin share similarities is in the scaling department.
Pick up Anivia if you want a control mage that can scale really well, and deal some serious consistent and sometimes bursty DPS that comes from Anivia. Without any mobility however, Anivia is a little tougher to pull off, but well worth it if you can get some games on her and learn how to position effectively.
Annie is the go-to noob mage pick that many of us gravitate to when we are first learning League. Annie is simple to pick up, has a clear window where you want to engage the enemy with her stun passive, and does a nice chunk of damage to boot.
A single well placed Tibbers can greatly swing a teamfight, or even a W + Flash that can stun one or more key opponents.
Just in time for that sweet new PROJECT skin too... Sylas seems to ebb and flow in terms of his strength as a solo queue pick, and it seems we are back to peak Sylas because this champion is strong in 11.11.
Sylas' unique ability to steal ultimate abilities combined with the ridiculous healing he gets from his W, the dueling potential is nuts on this champ. The only caveat with Sylas is to truly play him well, at the very least you should know how every ultimate works and how to use the spell effectively. Sylas only starts to become really insane once you are able to utilize the ultimate to its fullest potential.