5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1

Transcended Kayle Skin
Transcended Kayle Skin / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

The five best mid laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1 are Zilean, Rumble, Anivia, Kayle and Pyke. League of Legends Season 12 started on Jan. 7, and players have already been climbing up the ranks. As the game has had a few updates and brought new content into the game, here is why these five champions are currently the best mid laners.

Mid lane champions are typically burst assassins or strong AP champions who can easily become the late-game carry. By getting the first blood in mid lane, this can set up a huge advantage for the team. Mid laners can roam to top or bottom lane and gank the enemy team. Other mid laners that are popular picks are Annie, Lux, Zed, Yasuo, Syndra and Ahri.

Without further ado, here is why Zilean, Rumble, Anivia, Kayle and Pyke are the best mid laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1.

5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.1

1. Zilean

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Zilean is currently one of the strongest mid laners, yet has one of the lowest pick rates in the game. Zilean was created to be a support champion, but his ability to reduce his own cooldowns allows him to dish out a lot of damage in short span of time. Zilean is also an excellent champion in team fights as his abilities buff other players up and can even save a teammate from death.

2. Rumble

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Rumble has always been a reliable mid laner. Rumble's abilities allow him to do a lot of burst damage quick, and his movement speed allows him to roam around to different lanes. With Liandry's Anguish, Rumble's abilities do a lot of damage upon hit, but also leave a nasty burn to enemy champions.

3. Anivia

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Every League of Legends player knows that Anivia is one the most frustrating mid laners to play against. Her abilities cover a wide variety of skills. Anivia can also dish out lots of burst damage, slow and trap her enemies. Anivia's W is also extremely useful during team fights or trying to secure a dragon or Baron Nashor.

4. Kayle

Viridian Kayle Skin
Viridian Kayle Skin / Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Kayle is typically seen in top lane, but has been a popular choice to play in mid lane. Kayle is definitely a late-game carry and needs to scale before she can truly engage in team fights. However, full-build Kayle is almost unstoppable as her attack speed, damage and lifesteal makes her almost undefeatable.

5. Pyke

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

Pyke has been a broken champion in the game for quite a while now. Originally intended to be played as a support, Pyke has been a versatile champion in the game. With the new item Axiom Arc, the cooldown on Pyke's ultimate ability is almost nonexistent. Pyke is a strong assassin to play as a mid laner.