5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.17
By Daniel Mejia

League of Legends has many mid lane champions to choose from, but newer players and veteran players looking to queue up for a new role typically have one question in common: what are the best mid laners to play?
Here are our choices for the five best mid laners to play in League of Legends Patch 12.17.
5 Best Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.17
1. Zed
Zed is an assassin, meaning he excels at killing an enemy with high burst damage and then escaping unharmed. This is even better considering that the mid lane is typically reserved for mages who lack defensive stats. Players looking to find a champion with high burst damage and evasive maneuvers should consider giving Zed a try.
2. Swain
Swain is an excellent pick for the mid lane as he is incredibly self-reliant. Swain has good crowd control, he can regenerate his health back much quicker than other champions, and to top it off, he does a lot of damage. If you're looking to solo queue in the mid lane, Swain might be the perfect champion for you.
3. Viktor
While not as easy to play as some of the other champions on this list, Viktor can be extremely rewarding if given the time and effort to master his kit. His E can be used for both high damage and wave clear and his W can help fend off against enemy ganks. Players will see the best results on Viktor playing him in a reserved manner, poking down the enemy champion's health bar until it is time to all in and secure a kill.
4. Pantheon
Pantheon is a great early-game champion whose kit affords him a lot of flexibility. He has all of the tools necessary to help his team get an early lead and while his late-game scaling isn't the best, he more than makes up for it thanks to his high early-game potential. Pantheon's R is also a great tool to counter gank or to back your team up when it looks like reinforcements might be needed in a team fight.
5. Vex
Vex, unlike Viktor, is an easier champion to play while still being able to give good results in a capable player's hands. Consistent in both team fights and solo skirmishes, Vex's good wave clear, excellent damage, and pick potential thanks to her R makes her a valuable champion to know and a great one to have on your team.