5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7

With the release of League of Legends Patch 10.7 scheduled for April 1, here are the five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7.
With the release of League of Legends Patch 10.7 scheduled for April 1, here are the five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7. / Courtesy of Riot Games

With the release of League of Legends Patch 10.7 scheduled for April 1, here are the champions we expect to be the five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7.

Outside of a few changes to champions like Nasus and Garen, the top lane champion pool was relatively unaffected by the changes on League of Legends Patch 10.7. You'll notice that Ornn and Sett, the two kings of top lane on previous patches, don't make this list. That's not because they're bad champions, but simply because other champions that do the same things as Ornn and Sett have been buffed and do those things better.

5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.7

1. Wukong

The Wukong rework that debuted on League of Legends Patch 10.6 pushed the champion into the top tier of top laners. Even after receiving a set of hot fix nerfs, he managed to maintain a 55 percent win rate, the highest among all top laners on the current patch.

The nerfs he's set to receive on Patch 10.7 are relatively minor, only reducing the amount of armor her gets late game from Stone Skin (Passive) by 2. That means his early game will still be strong and he'll still be a menace after finishing Death's Dance.

2. Maokai

Maokai has become the new Ornn, with built in sustain from Sap Magic (Passive), three different sources of crowd control from Bramble Smash (Q), Twisted Advance (W), and Nature's Grasp (R), and a very gold effecient build path that allows him to tank the enemy team during the mid game.

Like Ornn, Maokai was one of the many top lane champions helped by the buffs to Sunfire Cape, and that strength has translated well into top lane, jungle, and even one professional appearance in mid lane this split. Maokai's utility and team-fighting make him a powerful champion and one of the strongest top laners you can pick on Patch 10.7.

3. Nasus

Nasus is getting several buffs on Patch 10.7 that will push him into the top tier of top laners, including an increase in the base cast range of Wither (W) to 700, along with a 10 percent increase to the armor shredding Nasus gets from Spirit Fire (E) at all ranks.

Nasus had previously struggled in Season 10 due to how quickly games could snowball if the enemy team got control of a Dragon Soul or an early Baron Nashor. Those quick games meant the late game scaling champion couldn't utilize his damage and kit to the fullest of its ability. But, with these changes, Nasus will be able to come on line just a bit sooner, and that's all it takes for him to be a menace to any opponent.

4. Kled

The changes to Kled during Season 9 helped propel him back into the meta and he's been a consistently strong champion in both top and mid lane during Season 10. On the current patch, he boasts an impressive 53 percent win rate and has a number of favorable matchups in top lane.

Since most of his common lane opponents, like Garen, are receiving nerfs, his strength relative to those picks only increases. The overall utility of his kit, combined with the dive potential he has because he can drop turret aggro with Skaarl, The Cowardly Lizard (Passive), makes him a strong champion both early and late game and certainly one to consider picking up in ranked solo queue.

5. Shen

While there are a lot of champions who could have gotten this spot on the list, such as Fiora, Darius, and Sett, Shen ultimately gets the nod due to his ability to impact the rest of the map after level 6. With Stand United (R), Shen can join any fight across the map without having to expend Teleport. This means that he can gain advantages for his team and against his lane opponent without losing out elsewhere.

In the late game, Shen can split-push with near impunity and still manage join a team fight at Baron Nashor or Elder Drake, even with his Teleport down. This utility lets his team pressure objectives and secure a gold advantage that can enable his team to win a close game.