5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.18

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends Patch 11.18 is slated to hit live Thursday, Sept. 9, one day later than normal due to Labor day. Patch 11.18 is dedicated to balancing for the upcoming League of Legends World Championship. In recent competitive play, top lane was one of the most looked at roles with champion picks in the lane being pivotal for each match.

With many changes to top laners upcoming, here are the five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 11.18.

5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.18

1. Gangplank

Photo by Riot Games

Gangplank is receiving buffs to his base health that will solidify him as a top pick in the top lane. The current patch already sees Gangplank doing well, and these buffs will only make him a better top laner.

2. Camille

Photo by Riot Games

Camille is on the nerf list for Patch 11.18, but that won't stop her from being a strong top lane pick. Her upcoming nerf is small and won't impact her overarching strength which is the ability to lock down key targets from a distance. With the right team to follow up, Camille will remain a top five top laner.

3. Jayce

Photo by Riot Games

Jayce is also on the nerf list, but his only change is a flat two AD nerf to his base stats. This means that unless something else changes, we can expect him to be a strong top lane bully who can transition into providing a lot of poke pressure for his team later.

4. Renekton

Photo by Riot Games

Renekton has been wreaking havoc in the top lane for awhile, resulting in a nerf to his empowered Ruthless Predator (W). The nerf reduces his stun time down to one second from one and a half, but also reduces the animation cast time. Overall, we expect him to remain quite strong with this simple nerf.

5. Rumble

Photo by Riot Games

Rumble is stated to be adjusted rather than nerfed or buffed. His changes revolve around his passive and shield ability, which ultimately adjust Rumble to remain a similar strength. This means that in Patch 11.18 Rumble will be a great pick still as long as he hits his game changing ultimate ability!