5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.2

5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.2
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.2 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

The five best top laners in League of Legends Patch 11.2 are essential to know in order to climb the ladder, secure victory, and support a team. Top laners are in an excellent position following the recent patches and are set to dominate the meta. Especially top laners who can assert pressure around the map or provide solid utility to their team. The new items added in the preseason are still being tried out in various forms on different champions, so be sure to experiment.

5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.2

The five best top laners in League of Legends patch 11.2 are as follows:

1. Viego

There is no better way to climb the ladder than to master the newest champion. Viego has the benefit of being new and incredibly powerful. His ability to steal other champions’ bodies makes him unstoppable in team fights. That paired with his strong lane presence makes him a solid pickup for any top laner. However, keep on the lookout for future nerfs to Viego.

2. Cho'gath

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This old beast just keeps on chugging, Cho’Gath has one of the oldest kits in the game, but the fact that he is strong speaks volumes to its utility. A strong knock up and silence, paired with his inherent tanky states make him an excellent pick for a frontline

3. Malphite

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An older and arguably stronger champion than Cho’Gath is Malphite. While Cho’Gath lacks strong skills to engage fights, Malphite is the engager. His ult can start and end fights, sometimes by the time Malphite’s knockup has ended, the team fight is over.

4. Pantheon

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Pantheon is a strong flex pick that can throw off people in the pick/ban phase. He can go jungle, top, mid, or support. The fact that he provides ample lane pressure is just a bonus on top of that.

5. Shen

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A good Shen player can carry their team. Obviously, the main boon of having a Shen on the team is that he can teleport to a teammate for free with his ultimate. This lets him put out absurd pressure on the enemy team, because the only time they can go in is when they’re sure that Shen does not have ult.