5 Best Zed Counters League of Legends Patch 9.24

Finding the five best Zed counters in League of Legends Patch 9.24 is important if you want to avoid a bloodbath.
The quintessential assassin; the outplay king himself, everyone's had to deal with a really good Zed at least once in there League-playing lives. With his ability to take punishing trades at opportune moments, and enough mobility to give plenty of pursuers a frustrated headache, he can be hard to deal with at times. Here are five counters to consider the next time you find yourself facing down a Zed.
1. Yasuo
Zed excels at using his mobility to either close in on vulnerable ranged targets or to keep melee lane opponents at bay and at a health disatvantage. Yasuo counteracts both of these with his ability to use enemy minions as a source of mobility, letting smart players close the distance and trade with Zed before retreating away when things get too heated.
2. Ryze
Fresh off the rework wagon (again), Ryze in-lane works almost the same as the spell machine-gun he used to be. However, changes to Flux and the interactions it has with nearby targets makes Ryze even more potent for wave clear.
3. Mordekaiser
Unlike previous entries on this list, Mordekaiser won't be poking Zed down in lane or taking ample trades whenever he wants. However, this juggernaut brings sustain-a-plenty to any team and his consistent damage once in combat make him a serious threat. Additionally, clever use of his ultimate can snatch a Zed away from an opportune team fight, creating a one versus one the assassin may not be equipped to handle.
4. Malphite
Let's be blunt; you won't have any fun playing Malphite against Zed. The good thing is that with your champion's insane innate tankiness and powerful teamfight ultimate, neither will the Zed. To counter Zed as Malphite, play the lane as safely as possible, using your Q for harass as you farm up for enough armor items for the Zed to wish he hadn't grabbed that Duskblade.
5. Cho'Gath, Garen
This last entry on the list is a bit cheesy, admittedly. However, Cho'Gath and Garen both bring a very threatening level of early and late game damage to a squishy assassin like Zed, especially when coming from champions who tend to itemize defensively anyway, making assassinating them that much harder. Garen is also a very aggressive laner, unafraid to charge right into Zed's proximity to put damage on him during the laning phase.