5 Best Zoe Counters

Zoe has one of the more diverse kits in League of Legends
Zoe has one of the more diverse kits in League of Legends / Photo by Riot Games

Zoe is a unique champion and has sparked quite a lot of debate within the League of Legends community. Zoe players can attest that they are more likely to be camped than when playing any other champion.

Whether you hate the fact she has RNG built into her kit, or the longest lasting crowd control ability, you have probably hated playing against Zoe at least one time in your League of Legends career.

If you're having trouble dealing with the mage, here are five champions that counter Zoe.

5 Best Zoe Counters

5. Talon

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Talon is frustrating to deal with as Zoe. This is a matchup where most Zoe players will want to roam away from Talon, but Talon just laughs and follows you. There isn't much Zoe can do against him, other than wait for him to fall off and hope her teammates ward while she gets shoved under tower.

4. Fizz

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Another assassin. Zoe's greatest ability is her sleep, which Fizz can dodge using Playful Trickster. Once her sleep is out of the way, Fizz can jump in without any fear of losing the trade. It's also important that Fizz takes less damage from basic attacks which is where a big portion of Zoe's damage comes from in the early game.

3. Kassadin

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Zoe hates three things: Tanky champions, shields, and assassins. Kassadin is what you get when you mix all three of those together. Zoe actually beats Kassadin before level six, but once that happens it'll be hard for Zoe to do anything into him.

2. Malzahar

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Malzahar comes equipped with his own spell shield. But even worse than that, Malzahar also comes with an insane amount of wave clear, making it hard for her to impact the map. It also doesn't help that Malzahar out-scales Zoe in terms of damage and team fight influence.

1. Annie

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Annie and Zoe share similar ranges on their abilities. Meaning, the one who does more damage to the other, wins. Well, Annie deals more damage, and has a shield, which means that Zoe loses these fight twice on paper.

The shield on Annie's E helps her out in the early game. Pair that with Annie's stun and ultimate makes it an uphill battle for Zoe constantly.