5 League of Legends Champions Who Need Reworks in 2021

5 League of Legends Champions Who Need Reworks in 2021
5 League of Legends Champions Who Need Reworks in 2021 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games and West Studio

League of Legends is set for a big year in 2021. Following the 10th anniversary of Worlds is going to be a tough task, but hopefully, as the vaccine rolls out and workers are able to safely return to work, Riot Games' workflow will return to normal.

Despite the popular champions released in 2020, fans want older champions reworked to suit the current meta.

The five League of Legends champions who needs reworks in 2021 are as follows:

5 League of Legends Champions Who Need Reworks in 2021

1. Amumu

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

For this spot on the list it was between Annie and Amumu. The difference between the two is that Annie is a perfect beginner’s champion, Amumu tries to fill that role as well, but with less success.

2. Aurelion Sol

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

One would be hard pressed to find a mid-laner in a sorrier state than Aurelion Sol. His lack of mobility makes it difficult to justify ever playing him. When every other champion he would lane against has ways to stop or dodge his skills it becomes frustrating to be an Aurelion Sol player. His usage statistics reflect this, he is only played 1% of the time in any game.

3. Quinn

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

As a top laner she can dominate her opponent if played correctly, but she’s not able to provide any utility to her team. She can split-push, but if that’s all she plans to do then anyone would be better off picking someone like Tryndamere or Aatrox.

4. Udyr

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

If there is one champion on this who is in the most desperate need of a rework, it is Udyr. To start it off, he looks horrible. The only way to play Udyr and not feel nauseous is to have the Spirit Guard Udyr skin. His kit is old and crusty. His main mode of attack is running at people. If he gets stunned, slowed, or killed before he can reach someone he is utterly useless.

5. Zyra

Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

Poor Zyra is kind of unplayable right now. Her kit just isn’t terribly useful when compared to all the other support champs available. No shields, no heals, no initiate. She can dominate lane if executed well, but she is still outclassed by other aggressive supports.