5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.4

5 Things We Don't Want to See in League of Legends Patch 11.4
5 Things We Don't Want to See in League of Legends Patch 11.4 / Photo Courtesy of Riot Games

League of Legends is a difficult game to balance. One small shift in any one aspect can turn the game on its head. Fresh off the last patch, the game feels pretty balanced. Here's five things we don't want in League of Legends Patch 11.4.

5 Things We Don't Want in League of Legends Patch 11.4

Urgot Buff

Urgot appears to be getting a buff this upcoming patch. Normally, this would be great since Urgot doesn't see a lot of attention. However, the buff appears to be on Purge (W) his wave clearing ability. Admittedly, this means Urgot can earn gold faster, but the problem for Urgot lies in the lack of power in his other abilities.

Katarina Buff

Katarina also is scheduled to be receiving a buff this upcoming patch. The buff appears to be on Katarina's Death Lotus (R). The problem with this buff is that Katarina already does incredible amounts of damage. This just means Katarina has an easier time going in for kills.

Maokai Buffs

Maokai is in a very interesting place in League of Legends, which is why I'd rather he not be nerfed or buffed this patch. Maokai can currently flex to either the Top lane role, or Support. There aren't many champions who can be both. Now Maokai doesn't see a lot of attention in professional play. However, he's considered to be a high tier in both roles, so I wouldn't be shocked to see him used as a counter-pick at some point.

Seraphine Buff

Seraphine is already a strong support champion. She can flex to the mid lane if need be. However, with Stage Presence (passive) granting her bonus damage and range while near allies, she seems fit for the support role. If an ability like Beat Drop (E) or Encore (R) got buffed, Seraphine would become a very scary champion to play against.

Twisted Fate Nerf

Twisted Fate sees a lot of attention in professional play. It's not a stretch of the imagination to see a champion like him receiving a nerf. However, Twisted Fate can also be one of the most entertaining champions with his Destiny (R) ability and Pick a Card (W) ability being so crucial in fights. Twisted Fate may not have the most stylish playstyle, but he's always impactful.