5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8

With a game that has been around for years, some champions just don't work well anymore so here's a list of the five worst AD carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8.
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5 Worst AD Carries in League of Legends Patch 11.8
1. Corki
One of the oldest champions on this list, Corki was built as a hybrid. Having both magic resist and physical armor gave him an advantage over his opponents, but in recent years he has not been played recently, if at all. But his scaling could not deal as much damage as most ADCs. On top of that, hybrid items available on the shop are not usable for him so he can't be a half-AP and half-AD champion anymore, but having to choose one or the other makes him weak in either.
2. Sivir
Sivir has several problems that Corki has, being an older champion. Her AoE damage and mobility were no longer novel are more champions with AoE and higher mobility were added to the game, so she's not as modern now as she was before. Her low attack range means that she really can only be effective is the enemy is clumped up together. If not, she has high cooldowns and not enough damage output for an ADC.
3. Xayah
Having one of the lowest win rates in the bottom lane is not the only reason Xayah made it to this list. Players have commented on her high skill ceiling as an issue, not to mention that she is one of those champions that was extremely powerful when released so when nerfs started coming her way she became less viable than she originally was.
4. Aphelios
If difficulty was an issue, Aphelios would be at the top of this list. However, there are buffs coming his way, and this can help in Patch 11.8. That said, Aphelios is an extremely complex ADC who tries to achieve too much in one champion (his passive says it all).
5. Kalista
The only form of escape that Kalista has is through her mobility, which other ADCs have more of. She can't place traps or increase her movement speed to dodge an incoming gank, making her extremely vulnerable. She is a skilled "long-ranged duelist" thanks to Rend, but struggles during team fights unless it is later in the game.
That's all for now, mind you these are champions that were chosen based on how they performed in comparison to other AD carries in the game. Some did not fit the meta, others had bad win rates.