5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.1

The mid lane champion pool has been quite diverse in recent years, with many champions falling in and of meta ever so often. Sadly though, there are some champions that seem to never fall back into meta after receiving their few patches of glory. Here are some of the worst mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.1.
5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.1
Sylas's latest changes have been received poorly by most of the player base. It'll probably be a while before they ever try to fix Sylas again, so he will be stuck in this state for a long time unless he's buffed by his numbers.
Galio is in a very similar spot to Sylas, being a champion that Riot doesn't want to touch for sometime unless they give him a minor rework again. What's most frustrating about Galio is that he was in a good spot in the support role for a while, and then Riot decided that they just didn't like that and removed it from the game without any real reason to. Now he's just a hollow statue of his former self.
Zoe is another recent champion to be released that Riot had to nerf immediately. Even when she was in a relatively balanced spot, the overwhelming cries from the majority of the playerbase pushed her to get nerfed even further. She is the best champion on this list, and still can be played as good as any other mid laner, but you have to have a lot of games under your belt in order to perform well consistently.
Lissandra was killed twice. Once by Riot nerfing her directly, and then once again by Riot nerfing her main keystone, Aftershock. Now, she can't even use the rune if she wanted. She doesn't have a keystone to use, and is just sitting at the bottom of the tier list yet again.
Riot was very adamant that they did not like Solo lane Pyke, and they effectively did kill it for a majority of the player base with the exception of a few people still trying to make it work. It is without a doubt, a sunken play style.