5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.4

Here are the five worst mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.4.
Here are the five worst mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.4. / Riot Games

Not much will change in the mid lane based on early reports about League of Legends Patch 10.5, outside of the few mid lane champions who can utilize Blade of the Ruined King and Death's Dance.

Here are the five worst mid laners in League of Legends Patch 10.4.

5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 10.4

1. Varus

Varus is one of the few AD carries that can utilize Blade of the Ruined King well, but his mid lane build doesn't include the strong tank-shredding item. Mid lane Varus usually started with Tear of the Goddess and built into lethality items like Youmuu's Ghostblade or Duskblade of Draktharr before completing Manamune.

With the changes in the meta, poke Varus has not been a good pick for some time and won't be for the near future. If you're going to play Varus, make sure it's in the bot lane.

2. Irelia

After a series of nerfs targeting the champion in Season 9, Irelia has not been the mid lane and top lane bully she once was. She currently sits at a 44 percent win rate in high elo and doesn't benefit from the buffs to Bami's Cinder and related items or Blade of the Ruined King. Even though her opponents often do.

The bonus 30 magic resist added to Death's Dance isn't enough to pick her up from the bottom tier of mid laners. Avoid playing the champion for now.

3. Akali

Akali is an odd champion because of the mechanical skill required to execute her kit. For players at the top of the solo queue ladder, Akali is still a viable champion in the mid lane, but the recent nerfs to her kit leave her in a relatively weak state for most of the player base. That might explain her just over 45 percent win rate in Platinum and above games.

Akali is a difficult to balance champion with the average disparity in skill between the highest levels of competitive League of Legends and the average player. Don't expect Akali to come back into the meta in low elo for some time, even though the champion remains a viable pick at the highest levels of competitive play.

4. Ryze

Ryze used to be a hallmark of competitive League of Legends and still remains a strong option when teams are well coordinated and able to scale into the late game. But with quicker game times and better spiking champions, Ryze has fallen off a cliff in solo queue. The champion currently has a 46 percent win rate and does not really excel until he has completed four or five items.

Unless you are a professional player, you should probably avoid Ryze and opt for one of the more early to mid game mid laners.

5. Tristana

Tristana enjoyed a period of dominance in the mid lane during the Corki and Azir meta in Season 9 but has seen a significant drop off since the end of that meta. More mid laners are able to counteract Tristana's early game pressure and the rise of more aggressive early game junglers can ease the burden on her opponent.

Plus with the dominance of Aphelios and Miss Fortune in the bot lane, adding another physical damage champ only makes it easier for the opposing team to itemize against you and shut down your damage in the mid game.