5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.8

Recently we have seen champions play in the mid lane when they did not before, so here are the five worst mid lane champions in League of Legends Patch 11.8. Generally speaking, any champion that lacks mobility will probably not be as efficient as before with mobile assassins being in the meta.
1. Irelia
With the lowest win rate out of all the mid laners, Irelia has also had issues throughout the years going from either an overpowered champion to one that is nerfed repeatedly. While she was a good pick in mid in earlier seasons, reworks and nerfs have changed her to the point where she's efficient against very specific champions.
2. Azir
It is not an overstatement to say that this is one of, if not, the hardest champions to play. He is the only one who can command the soldiers, which are nerfed and buffed irregularly. So by the time players get used to it, the stats change and they have to learn the champion all over again.
3. Xerath
Although he has a very long range, he relies far too much on positioning and poking. It is best to build items that enhance his ability power, but this leaves him at a vulnerable place where he has little to no magic resistance or armor.
4. Karma
5. Kog'Maw
Kog'Maw can be an ability power mid lane champion, however, he is neither a consistent ability power mage nor an AD carry that focuses on dealing damage. What sets him apart is the range of his abilities, and even then Tristana has a longer range than Kog'Maw who is a lot squishier by comparison. Overall, in a patch where the meta favors mobile assassins, I do not recommend playing an immobile hybrid.
This list was made taking into account which champions work best in the current meta, their statistics as well as how well-suited their kit is for the mid-lane role. If a champion you like is here, you can still play them, for this is not a solid truth.