5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.9

Lucian, picked as an AD carry or mid laner, ranks among the worst mid laners in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 11.9. Courtesy of Riot Games.
Lucian, picked as an AD carry or mid laner, ranks among the worst mid laners in the upcoming League of Legends Patch 11.9. Courtesy of Riot Games. /

With the mid lane cast starting to develop even further in the current patch, League of Legends Patch 11.9 has little to offer for mid laners with an eye-raising buff on Xerath and no item buffs on core mid lane builds. 

As the pool for good characters at the mid lane has grown even larger, these are five worst mid laners of League of Legends Patch 11.9.

5 Worst Mid Laners in League of Legends Patch 11.9

1. Katarina

Katarina may have a solid win rate across mid laners, it will be a struggle with the upcoming buffs on bruisers and tanks for Katarina to convert openings into kills. She does provide a lot of damage, but with other champions like Sion or Darius that can interrupt her skills and can remain alive after her damage, her efforts at mid lane can be all for naught. If top laners get ahead, Katarina will become a mid lane pick that is high risk with a low-to-medium reward.

2. Azir

Azir can be one of the most rewarding champions to play if a player loves to press a lot of buttons, and although his play style can be difficult and fun, he provides little value to the current mid lane meta. Any mid lane champion that can slowly chip away at his health can render Azir as a liability in lane. Azir players will have to find a crafty build from the lack of effective items for him in order to try and slowly edge out an advantage over other mid laners.

3. Orianna

Orianna will have an uphill battle in lane, especially to those who have superior range and stronger abilities earlier on. Though she will be strong in team fights, champions that can close the gap between her orb or damage her from afar will have a greater advantage and impact for teams later on.

4. Ryze

Ryze has a great kit to run away from enemies, Ryze is simply just a positional champion that can only flourish with a team that plays around him. However, the main struggle for Ryze players is that it will take a considerable amount of time for him to become relevant in the game with high prices toward his core items and few opportunities to convert engagements into kills. Coupling an abysmal win rate with expensive core items, Ryze just falls flat.

5. Lucian

Lucian will have one of the more difficult times to deal damage later on in this patch. He can be strong against players in lower ranks, however, he is easy to work around so long as they maintain good distance and understand that his damage will fall off later compared to stronger champions.

However, even lower-ranked players are starting to figure out how to play around Lucian as he currently has one of the worst win rates at mid and AD carry positions. Players that can lock Lucian down from slipping away will be rewarded with plenty of options to find a way to get kills or make him useless in the later stages of the game.