C9 Sneaky's Best Cosplays

Cloud9's Zach "Sneaky" Scuderi might be best known for his outstanding League of Legends play, but a close second goes to his frequent cosplay work. Starting with his Pizza Delivery Sivir cosplay in April, Sneaky has donned ever more suggestive outfits on his Instagram, and had ever more fun with the hobby. Here are his all-time best cosplay outfits.
Cloud9 Sneaky's Best Cosplays
Dark Elementalist Lux 😊
— Zach Scuderi (@Sneaky) March 12, 2018
Photo credit: @estherlynnhhj pic.twitter.com/g8HG3soZTT
1. Dark Elementalist Lux
Even before Pizza Delivery Sivir, Sneaky's first major cosplay was Dark Elementalist Lux in March, which he put together as a subscriber milestone for his Twitch channel. While the shoot itself leaves something to be desired (it certainly lacks a certain glamor), it's hard to beat the wow factor of knowing this was Sneaky's first foray into cosplay.
2. Pizza Delivery Sivir
Sneaky's first cosplay to hit his Instagram is also one of his best. While it's not as elaborate as later costumes, it perfectly captures the look and spirit of the skin it's emulating. It also represents Sneaky's first shoot that gave a though to setting, adding a professionalism to the endeavor that had previously been missing.
3. Star Guarian Soraka
Star Guardian Soraka was Sneaky's most elaborate cosplay shoot by far when it dropped in May. It featured a fairly well realized digital background in its primary shot, plus props, fake ears, and a prosthetic unicorn horn, making for a truly impressive sight.
The same day, Sneaky unveiled his Patreon for cosplay, where he's since shared exclusive photos only for patrons who support his cosplay financially.
4. Kotori Minami
Sneaky's cosplay as Kotori Minami from the anime "Long Live!" represented his first deviation from League of Legends characters. In some ways, the move was a bold one. It challenged his League of Legends fans to stick with him even as he expressed himself in new ways. The move paid off, culminating in one of his best ever cosplays.
5. Swimsuit Ahri
Sneaky's cosplays have only continued to excel, getting better and better with each iteration. His latest, released Wednesday, features him as another League of Legends character, this time with a whole bunch of tails.
Sneaky's cosplays are eminently professional because of help from his girlfriend and cosplay expert Esther Lynn. Together, the two undoubtedly form the greatest cosplay power couple in esports.
Photo by Martin Wong