How Old is Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3?

​How old is Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3? The next Kingdom Hearts game takes place following the events in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, meaning some time passed and Sora likely isn't the same age as he was before.

How Old is Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3?

Sora was 14 in Kingdom Hearts, and was 15 years old in Kingdom Hearts 2 since it took place a year later. Because Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance take place after Kingdom Hearts 2, it is safe to assume a good amount of time passed since Sora was 15 years old.

He is likely 16 years old in Kingdom Hearts 3, which will also make Kairi 16 years old and Riku would be 17 years old. 

Kingdom Hearts 3 will have post-launch updates that will ​add extra content to the game once it is beaten. 

Cover photo courtesy of Blizzard