ADR Meaning in CS:GO: What is ADR?

ADR is an important statistic for CS:GO players to know
ADR is an important statistic for CS:GO players to know / Photo by Valve

ADR meaning in CS:GO stands for Average Damage per Round.

It's one of the most important statistics in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, especially in competitive play. Tracking damage is vital to CS:GO rounds when it comes to communication and strategy. Damage also results in frustration for many when the HUD reveals a player did 99 in six shots.

ADR Meaning in CS:GO: What is ADR?

ADR is calculated by dividing the amount of damage a player has done over the course of rounds played in a game.

For example, if a player does 100 damage in one round their ADR is 100. If a player does 100 damage over two rounds, their ADR is 50. It's a simple statistic to calculate, but a vital one to a player's overall performance. It shows how much impact a player is having across a game. Especially for someone like an entry fragger.

Players with over 100 ADR across a completed game is a standout performance. Mathieu "ZywOo" Herbaut had 94.8 ADR across all of EPICENTER when Team Vitality lifted the trophy. It shows just how dominate the MVP was to the team's tournament win.