Age of Empires 4 Cheat Codes: Everything You Need to Know

Age of Empires IV cheat codes would, in theory, be able to give the player who used them an infinite number of resources, special units, and all kinds of other advantages. These cheat codes have been a mainstay in the franchise since the very first iteration, with each entry in the series changing up the codes and adding new, peculiar bonuses. Does Age of Empires IV follow in that tradition?
Is there cheat codes for Age of Empires 4? #ageofempiresiv
— Faez (@AlsoKnownAsZeaf) October 30, 2021
Age of Empires 4 Cheat Codes: Everything You Need to Know
The creative director at one of the studios that worked on Age of Empires IV, Adam Isgreen of World's Edge, confirmed in an interview with Rock Paper Shotgun that there would be cheats in the game. Isgreen described cheats as "kind of a classic Age thing," saying they would certainly be in the game.
Unfortunately for players looking to get cheating as soon as possible, he also said they wouldn't be available at launch. He joked about reviving the Cobra Car from Age of Empires II, but didn't say which cheats would ultimately make it into the game. Neither did he provide a timetable for when cheats would be added to the game.
For now, Age of Empires IV is cheat-free.