Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition vs Standard

Age of Empires IV Deluxe Edition has a few advantages over the standard version of the game, but the differences aren't so astronomical as to seem unfair to those who are buying the standard version. The deluxe edition for Age of Empires IV servers the purpose of a good deluxe edition: small, but worthwhile bonuses for true fans. Here are the differences between the deluxe edition and the standard edition.
Age of Empires 4 Deluxe Edition vs Standard
The Deluxe Edition of Age of Empires IV includes three significant bonuses for buyers to enjoy. The first is a digital copy of the soundtrack composed by Tilman Sillescu, Alexander Röder, Henning Nugel, Armin Haas and Mikolai Stroinski.
The second bonus is the Unit Counters Chart showing which units are adept at countering which others. Third is a compilation of the art painter Craig Mullins made for the game.
On the in-game front, the Deluxe Edition includes a Coat of Arms, a Player Profile Portrait and an exclusive Monument all themed around wolves.
To find your content once you've purchased the content you'll be able to find the soundtrack in the Additional Content section of the Age of Empires IV listing in your Steam library. The other digital bonuses, including the banners and the Unit Counter Chart, you'll be able to find by browsing the install location of the game. You can access that by right-clicking on the game in your library, selecting Manage, and clicking Browse Local Files.
The in-game bonuses will appear in your Player Profile.