Age of Empires 4 Playable Civilizations: Full List at Launch
By Jack O'Dwyer

We've compiled a full list and brief explanations into each of the eight civilizations that will be available in Age of Empires 4 when it launches.
Age of Empires is one of the oldest civilization warfare franchises on the market. The franchise has been on a bit of a re-release kick recently with its most recent launches reimagining its classic titles Age of Empires II: Clash of Kings and Age of Empires III.
Age of Empires IV will be the first main series installation in over 15 years. It will release on Oct. 28, 2021, for Windows PC's.
Age of Empires 4 Playable Civilizations: Full List
Here is the full list of playable civilizations players that will be shipped with Age of Empires IV:
- Rus
- French
- English
- Chinese
- Mongols
- Delhi Sultanate
- Abbasid Dynasty
- Holy Roman Empire
The Rus are described as "highly skilled hunters, adept in the wild." In AoE4, their story hinges on the struggle of a fledgling empire in 882-1552 CE. They will undergo four major eras marking four distinct time periods in the country's history.
The French are primarily known for their cavalry units and horsemanship. In a nostalgic twist, those who choose to play the French may find themselves in the familiar boots of Saint Jeanne d'Arc during the country's 100 Year War.
Ah, the English. They are marked by their defensive power with spiraling towers and bulwark walls—as well as their impressive archery units. Players who go with the English will watch it progress through the Anglo-Saxon era of 850-1555 CE.
The Chinese are known for their impressive engineering and deadly constructs. They have immense strength within their dynasty system, keeping them safe behind massive walls. One staple unit of this civilization is their gunpowder soldiers.
The Mongols are exceptionally agile and adaptable—particularly skilled in guerilla warfare with hit-and-run tactics. This civilization is highly nomadic and thus deadly in close, tight-knit groups. Some consider the Mongols to be major historical catalysts.
Delhi Sultanate players will be relying primarily on this civilizations' extensive technological advances. Their ages span over 879-1526 CE, beginning with the Ghurid invasion into northern India. They are most commonly known for their War Elephant units.
Those who chose the Abbasid Dynasty should be prepared to spend quite a bit of time within the House of Wisdom. This civilization has particularly unique upgrades and abilities that "impact and alter core game elements and mechanics."
The Holy Roman Empire—also known as that one civilization you spent at least two months learning about in your high school history class—relies on its religious power for most of its strength. Its staple unit is the Prelate, used for support and healing.
More information can be found on the official Age of Empires website.