All Warzone Bunker Locations in Season 3
By Samuel Purdy

With the release of Season 3 in Call of Duty: Warzone, fans have been diving right into the new Verdansk '84 map, trying to explore all its new secrets and tricks. One of these is the return of bunkers, helping players score some loot that would perhaps give them an advantage over other players and teams. Of course, with a new map, some players are wondering where to find them, and what to do with them once they're located. So, taking this recent update into account here's where Warzone players can find all the new bunkers, from Number 00 to 11.
All Warzone Bunker Locations
The Warzone bunker locations are pretty straightforward, and can be found with relative ease. Whether that's a good or bad thing, well, that's up to you.
1. Bunker 00 - Promenade West
The first bunker is located due south of Promenade West, hidden below a cliffside, making it harder to spot than some of its brothers. Because it's located right on the edge of the map, it'd be smart to be cautious around this one.
2. Bunker 01 - Southwest Boneyard
You can see this one near the go-kart track, on the western side of the map. You should be able to spot it pretty easily.
3. Bunker 02 - Storage Town
Bunkers 02 and 03 are right by each other, so you'll be able to find them pretty easily. Bunker 02 is southwest of Storage Town, and south of Bunker 03.
4. Bunker 03 - North of 02
And likewise, Bunker 03 can be found north of its 02 counterpart. It's located in a pretty large building, just enter, find the ladder that goes down, and voila.
5. Bunker 04 - Southeast of Summit
This Bunker is situated where the Dam used to be, so players that are familiar with the old map should be able to locate it without too much fuss. Just like 00, it's outside, built into a cliffside.
6. Bunker 05 - South of Military Base
This locale is definitely dangerous, considering this bunker is right by the always popular Military Base. You'll be able to find it near the radio tower, outside.
7. Bunker 06 - Southeast of Salt Mine
Pretty straightforward. Southeast of Salt Mine, near the big train tunnel.
8. Bunker 07 - Northeast of Stadium
Just like 02 and 03, Bunkers 07 and 08 are a matching set. Head northeast of the Verdansk Stadium to find 07 in a smaller building, with a larger one nearby.
9. Bunker 08 - Nearby 07
That larger building? Yeah, it's where Bunker 08 is hanging out.
10. Bunker 09 - Prison
Northeast of the Prison, Bunker 09 is yet another cliffside bunker.
11. Bunker 10 - Park
Heading south of the Park, you'll find Bunker 10 off the main road towards Downtown. It's located inside, so head in, and descend some stairs to find it.
12. Bunker 11 - Far North
The final bunker is located northwest of the Military Base, and north of the nearby fire station.
In addition to the 11 numbered bunkers, there are two that aren't numbered. The first is located under the Factory, and the second is southwest of the fire station near the Summit.
To top it all of, the bunkers aren't even accessible right now. Normally, there are codes to open the bunkers, and snag the loot inside, but there is nothing as of yet. Warzone players will have to keep their eyes open to see what changes with the bunkers and their yet to be revealed codes.