Amazon to Take 'Remediation Steps' Against New World Coin Dupers

Amazon Games says it will take "remediation steps" against New World players who "egregiously exploited" the New World coin duplication bug.
Amazon Games was forced to disable all forms of wealth transfer in New World recently after players discovered a way to duplicate coins and items using a bug, and the studio is now aiming to pay back players who tried to game the decision.
Since launch, the team has been working hard to gather, investigate, and address issues being surfaced by our players.
— New World (@playnewworld) November 4, 2021
See this update on critical issues the community is experiencing.
"It was not a decision that was made lightly, but we feel the ability to trade and improve settlements is an important, and fun aspect of our game we aim to preserve," said community manager Luxendra in a forum post. "We have permanently banned players who exploited the Coin/Item dupe issue."
In disabling wealth transfer, Amazon Games accidentally introduced a new bug that allowed another method of coin duplication, this time via Territory upgrades. But the game's next hotfix solved that bug and removed any duped coins from players who exploited or accidentally triggered the exploit.
"We are able to track how much coin was received from exploitive behavior, and will investigate and take remediation steps against companies that have egregiously exploited this," Luxendra wrote. "We understand the frustration caused by trades being off and want to make sure that no one suffers in-game financial losses as a result from disabling wealth transfer method.
"In the long term, if town maintenance is behind on a territory your company owns, or if you are unable to afford your taxes due to this, we will provide a make good."
Amazon also says it's looking into solutions for coin sellers spamming chat messages. It's already banned and suspended many of the reported accounts and bot accounts that were hoarding gold. Furthermore, Amazon has added restrictions to stop low level players and new accounts from trading or transferring currency.
"We appreciate your patience, support, and understanding while we address these issues and continue to improve our communication with out community on issues moving forward," Luxendra wrote.