Best Druid Build in Diablo II: Resurrected

When it comes to the best Druid build in Diablo II: Resurrected, it's hard not to suggest players go for the Fury route.
One of the strongest configurations in the game, let alone the class, the Fury Druid build turns players into rampaging werewolves that tear enemies apart with devastating melee attacks. Here is how to assemble the best Druid build in Diablo II: Resurrected.
Best Druid Build in Diablo II: Resurrected
First off, being that this is a fairly advanced endgame build, you'll need to spec into it once you reach Lvl. 30 by talking to Akara in the rogue encampment or using a Token of Absolution.
With the stats for this Druid build, you'll want to put enough Strength and Dexterity to use the equipment you want. After that, simply spend all your remaining points in Vitality as it will often be the deciding factor in whether or not you survive a fight on the harder difficulties — even more so than armor or other resistances. It's generally a waste for the Druid to put points into Energy as you can always refill your mana using potions.
For the skills, on the Shape Shifting tree, you'll want to put one point into Rabies, and 20 points each into Lycanthropy, Werewolf, Fury and Feral Rage. Lastly, with the Summoning skill tree, put one point into Raven, Summon Spirit Wolf, Summon Dire Wolf and Summon Grizzly, and 20 into either Oak Sage (more party health) or Heart of the Wolverine (more party damage).
For the gear, there are a lot of good options, but mainly prioritize those with Crushing Blow, Deadly Strike, Mana Leech, Life Leech, % Damage Reduction, % Enhanced Damage and Max Damage/Life/AR Charms.
Lastly, for the mercenary, go for the Act 2 Nightmare Might Mercenary as the Might Aura will greatly increase your damage.
Overall, the Fury Druid is a powerful melee build that allows players to obliterate foes while being a werewolf. With a very high single target DPS output, massive Vitality Pool and strong summon support, this is the build for those who want to be a shape shifting beast.