Best Preseason Changes coming to League of Legends in 2020

League of Legends Season 9 ends Nov. 6, and not long after the preseason will begin, bringing in the "Rise of the Elements." Here are the best changes coming to next season.
4. Spear of Shojin is Gone
Since the release of Aatrox, tanks have been almost nonexistent from top lane, making bruisers pretty much a staple in the meta for way too long. One of the things helping them is Spear of Shojin, an item that grants you useful stats such as cooldown reduction, health, and attack damage, and comes with a unique passive. Once casting your ultimate ability, your basic attacks will now reduce the cooldown of your basic abilities, basically allowing you spam cooldowns for eight seconds. Champions like Renekton, Jax and Riven have been tearing it up in solo Q and in pro play. With the item gone, we can all rest a bit easier knowing that Shojin Renekton can't hurt us anymore.
3. New Lethality item
There will now be an option for Lethality champions who want to split push. Sanguine Blade is a new Lethality item that enables split pushing. Its unique passive grants a huge attack speed buff when no allies are nearby. This will make it easier for assassins and the like to side lane, and make it quite dangerous to match them mid game.
2. The Dragons
The elemental drakes have been a big part of League for a while, and now they will impact the game in a new way. The stats have always been attractive and helpful enough to get people to fight for them in the early to mid game but with the addition of "Dragon Souls" for collecting the most drakes, they're now going to be even more impactful. Not to mention that drakes will now actually change what the map looks like. Dragons will be very important next season in a fun and competitive way.
1. Rift Herald Respawns
In an attempt for top lane to have a higher influence on the game state, Riot will allow everyone's favorite tower diving crab to spawn earlier and spawn twice. This is quite a big deal for snow balling. Taking the first herald to drop it in a solo lane for the turret plating and then dropping another one in the bottom lane a few minutes later helps get the ball rolling in two separate lanes. Shelly is going to be smashing through turrets in a big way next season if this change goes through.
Photo courtesy of Riot Games