Black Ops Cold War Blue Screen: What's Causing it?

Black Ops Cold War Blue Screen is an issue being felt by a lot of people. Not just on PC either, the “blue screen” is also, reportedly, happening on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. While Activision has not released a comment informing players of the exact reasons for the blue screen crashing, players on Reddit and around the internet have begun to collect possible reasons for the bug.
In a recent Reddit thread on r/CODZombies, players noted that there was an increase in crashes, specifically for the zombies mode. This is not to say that crashing does not happen in other modes, just that the specific blue screen crash seems to happen more often in zombies. Of course, we don’t have access to specific data to confirm whether or not this is accurate, but players reportedly crash while searching for games. User “Burkey_jerky,” wrote, “Every time I load into zombies solo que my game freezes and crashes [PS4].”
Black Ops Cold War Blue Screen: What's Causing it?
For the foreseeable future, it might be best to play it safe so that your hardware doesn’t become damaged because of repeated crashes. But if you’re unable to avoid the addictive gameplay in the newest COD release then take note of the crashes other players are experiencing and try to avoid replicating their crashes. This could mean only playing zombies with a group of friends as the matchmaking system seems to be problematic.
If you don’t have a group then consider playing alone. And avoid menus if possible, there is a known issue with prestige not updating for players, and looking at the prestige menu has also caused players to crash.