Borderlands 3 Bank Empty: What Can You Do About it?

Borderlands 3 bank empty is a bug players have experienced when trying to store items. After some time, when they come back to store or take items back from their bank, they find that the bank is empty, with all of their items gone. Here, we'll tell you what you can do about it.
Borderlands 3 Bank Empty: What Can You Do About it?
This bug has been affecting many players for the past week. For whatever reason, the bank can sometimes delete all the items that you have stored. For PC players, the problem has been noted as being linked with cloud saves. If you want to take some necessary precautions, you may want to disable cloud saves. However, this does not address any issues with banks that console players might have.
Unfortunately, there is no direct fix to this bug. The best thing to do is to keep all high quality loot in your inventory, and avoid storing anything in your bank if you are currently being affected by the bug. Hopefully, the people at Gearbox will resolve this issue in a future update.
Photo courtesy of Gearbox Software