Borderlands 3 XP Glitch: How to Earn 7x XP

A Borderlands 3 XP glitch is giving players seven times the normal XP rewards for killing one boss, allowing them to level up faster than ever before. The glitch is easy to execute, but requires players have completed a particular mission and received the weapon reward. Here's how to perform the glitch.
Borderlands 3 XP Glitch: How to Earn 7x XP
To perform this exploit you'll need to grab the Porcelain Pipe Bomb, a rare Torgue grenade you can receive by completing the "Raiders of the Lost Rock" mission. That mission can be collected on Eden-6, at the Reliance fast travel location in Floodmoor Basin. The mission is available on the town's bounty board.
Once you have the grenade, make sure your game is in Mayhem Mode 3. From there, go to the Flaoting Tomb in Eden-6, where you'll fight Graveward. Before you start the fight, disconnect your network.
On Xbox, go to Settings, then Network, the Network Settings, and select Go Offline. On PS4, go to the Dashboard, then to Settings, then to Network, and disconnect. On PC, you can simply unplug your ethernet cable or disconnect from WiFi.
Finally, go in and kill Graveward with the Porcelain Pipe Bomb. This will award you 242,000 experience, or seven times the usual XP reward for the fight. To repeat the exploit, go back to the main menu and load back in.
Photo courtesy of Gearbox Software/2K Games