Broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker Build MW3 Warzone

Here's the most broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker build in MW3 Warzone.
Here's the most broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker build in MW3 Warzone. / @Metaphor, screenshot by Amanda Langell

A new broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker build for MW3 Warzone has players of all skill ranges dominating close-range engagements on Urzikstan.

The Call of Duty: Warzone Season 1 meta is constantly evolving with each new set of weapon buffs and nerfs in the Battle Royale's weekly patch notes. The one-shot Lockwood 300 Shotgun terrorized lobbies until the developers finally disabled the Maelstrom Dual Trigger attachment. It did not take long, though, for players to find another OP shotgun loadout that almost always comes out on top.

Warzone content creator, Luke "Metaphor" Canning, unveiled a virtually unstoppable loadout for the Dragon's Breath Haymaker Shotgun in his latest YouTube video. Check out the broken weapon build below.

Broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker Build MW3 Warzone

Here's the most broken Dragon's Breath Haymaker build in MW3 Warzone:

  • Laser: FTAC Grimline Laser
  • Barrel: Imperator Long Barrel
  • Muzzle: Bryson Improved Choke
  • Ammunition: 12 Gauge Dragon's Breath
  • Stock: No Stock Mod

"This class setup is unbelieve," Metaphor said. "This is literally so broken it's not even funny."

Metaphor's build can knock a fully armored opponent with just a few close-range shots, killing enemies faster than any other shotgun in the game. Plus, it requires significantly less skill than the WSP Swarm or any other meta SMG in Warzone.

"I'm telling you guys, if you don't use this thing, you're going to lose to it," Metaphor declares. "I barely lost any gunfights with it."

Those looking to run the shotgun in solos will not need to change anything about Metaphor's build. If you want to use it in quads, though, the content creator recommends removing the Laser and adding a Magazine.

How to Unlock Haymaker Shotgun in MW3 Warzone

To unlock the Haymaker Shotgun in MW3 Warzone, you must get your account to Level 39. Most players who have grinded MW3 since November will already be past Level 39; however, if you are struggling to quickly progress in the latest title, try farming kills in Zombies or multiplayer. Plus, make sure to use any Double XP Tokens you have.
