CS:GO Complexity Makes Changes to Roster

Complexity Gaming is considering acquiring the core members of Extra Salt, initially scouting the members of the Copenhagen Flames, but after stalled discussion, Complexity has now moved on to discussions about creating a North American roster. This news is according to sources from HLTV.
After their performance at the PGL Major Stockholm, the Danish team, Copenhagen Flames, were sought after by Complexity Gaming. With an asking price of $500,000, Copenhagen Flames were very interested in the offer of joining Complexity Gaming. But that interest ended there, as discussions came to a pause and haven’t been revisited since.
But Complexity seems to not be as bothered by the lack of the impressive Danish team on their roster, instead, Complexity seems to be reaching for some other goal, creating a North American roster.
Approaching team Extra Salt, Complexity hopes to acquire the core of the team but would replace Edgar “MarKE” Maldonado with Team Liquid’s rifler Michael “Grim” Wince. This change would reunite Grim with previous teammate Paytyn “Junior” Johnson, who would be replacing the position of Josh “oSee” Ohm.
Extra Salt has been one of the most promising teams in the North American Tier Two scene. This change towards Complexity could make the new North American roster a contender among the best teams around the world.
Even though nothing has been confirmed yet, the buyouts of the players have been established and the process of transferring over the players to Complexity seems more promising than that of Copenhagen Flames.
If this deal takes place, the final roster would be as follows:
- Johnny "JT" Theodosiou
- Justin "FaNg" Coakley
- Ricky "floppy" Kemery
- Paytyn "junior" Johnson
- Michael "Grim" Wince
- Tiaan "T.c" Coertzen (coach)