CyberPunk 2077 Dex's Gun: How to Get

Dex's gun can be obtained in the scrapyard after completing the Playing for Time mission in Cyberpunk 2077.
Dex's gun can be obtained in the scrapyard after completing the Playing for Time mission in Cyberpunk 2077. / CD Projekt Red

This article contains spoilers for the story of Cyberpunk 2077.

In Cyberpunk 2077, Dexter Deshawn, or simply Dex, is infamous for shooting the playable character V in the head at the end of The Heist mission. V wakes up in a scrapyard where Dex leads Goro Takemura to their incapacitated body. There V witnesses Takemura shoot and kill Dex before he drives V away from the scrapyard.

Cyberpunk 2077 Dex's Gun: How to Get

After completing the following Playing for Time mission, V can return to the scrapyard to find Dex's body and retrieve the pistol he used to shoot them with. The scrapyard is located on the outskirts of Night City. After venturing just east of the city, head south toward the Medeski fuel station.

Going past the station to the end of the road will lead you to the scrapyard. There you will find Dex in the same condition Takemura left him. Looting Dex's body will earn you his Plan B Iconic pistol.

Dex's gun is one of the most unique and powerful weapons in the game. The bullets have a high chance to inflict bleeding and it technically comes with unlimited ammo. The only catch is that in place of using bullets, eddies (Cyberpunk 2077's in-game currency) are spent whenever the gun is fired. This makes Dex's gun extremely useful, but it can make V go broke if they don't stay attentive to their funds.