Cyberpunk 2077 The Pickup: Decrypt the Shard
By Andrew Lin
Cyberpunk 2077 The Pickup is an early quest that gives you lots of choices to make. One of those choices is if you want to decrypt the Militech Credit Chip shard. Here's how to solve the shard and het yourself a new Quick Hack.
Cyberpunk 2077 The Pickup: Decrypt the Shard
You'll get to work on the shard only if you chose to worth with Jackie. You'll be given the following code matrix:
55 1C BD 55 BD E9
55 BD E9 1C 1C 1C
E9 FF 55 E9 55 55
1C 1C BD 55 E9 FF
55 FF 55 BD 1C E9
You need to solve the bottom sequence and the top sequence at the same time. The last number for the bottom sequence is the same first for the top, 55. You'll be working towards the sequence BD BD FF 55 1C E9. There's a few ways to solve this, but you could lock yourself out if you're not careful.
Do a manual save before attempting, as you'll need to do it perfectly to get the rewards. You'll get the Synapse Burnout Quick Hack for solving the shard.
Synapse Burnout deals more damage the less health a target has. It doesn't work as well against mechs, drones or robots.