DeKay: On Helping Players and My Future

After nearly five years of dedicating my time to telling the behind the scenes story of professional CS:GO, it is time for the next chapter in my journey. From this point forward, I will no longer be breaking news or reporting the behind-the-scenes wrongdoing in esports. It’s been an unforgettable experience and one that I will treasure for the rest of my life, but I’ve set my sights on a new challenge.
During my almost five years as a journalist, I developed a passion for one thing in particular: helping people. I genuinely enjoy putting people in contact with each other, ensuring unpaid players and talent get their money from orgs that try to withhold it, and anything else I can do to stick up for what I believe is right. It has become clear, though, that passion has grown beyond what I can do as a journalist. I want to do more. As a result, I will be transitioning immediately to become an agent for professional CS:GO players and coaches with ULTI Agency.
I chose to partner with ULTI because they are a fresh company with a lot to prove in Esports. I knew it was a perfect match when I learned that they share the same feelings I have about agencies in esports skimming from professional player salaries. I have always believed that a better model exists and was thrilled to learn they have been executing it since their foundation last summer. We will operate in a transparent fashion and bring something to the game no one else ever has.
Working as an agent will not only challenge me, but will allow me to continue working in an industry I love dearly. Rather than help people on occasion, it will now be my full focus to provide players with the support they need. I helped with dozens of roster moves over the years that would not have happened had I not been there to facilitate the transaction. Despite having no “professional” experience as an agent, I’ve sat on stories more times than I can count just to assist in the transfer process.
There are several people I wish I could thank publicly, but due to my obligations as a journalist to protect my sources, I won’t ever be able to do so. They know who they are and to all of you, thank you. I want to give a special thanks to Duncan "Thorin" Shields, Richard Lewis, and my longtime editor and dear friend Vince Nairn for all of the help and encouragement on this journey thus far. You are all truly wonderful people, and I will be forever grateful to have had the opportunity to know and work with you all.
It is my hope that the world of Esports journalism continues to improve and tell the story of the games we all know and love. My only parting request is that people recognize and support those who are dedicating their lives to the profession of investigative journalism. Rest assured that I will actively watch for people doing it the right way and go out of my way to promote them. I may not be breaking news moving forward, but I will still stop in a couple times each month here on DBLTAP to let you know how things are going.
If you have ever watched a video of mine, read one of my articles, or followed me on social media, you also deserve a special thanks. I wouldn’t be here if all of you hadn’t shown me the support you have.