DeKay Mailbag Part 2: What's Next for Kjaerbye, Options for oBo, and Thoughts on Valve

What are the possible destinations for sunny, flusha, autimatic trio? Is there any org interested in them as a trio or will they have to go separated ways?
— jonathancsgo (@jonathancsgo) January 28, 2021
The possible destinations are pretty extensive, however it appears most organizations aren't that interested. It's not that they don't think that core can be good, but they are tentative about jumping back into CS:GO. The demands from the players aren't too extreme, so I think if they can find the right organization it will happen. Just a matter of time, if they commit to sticking together instead of splitting up. We will see.
Why hasn’t adren(liquid’s old coach) been picked up? He seems like the most qualified coach still out there.
— ADe (@Ade0na2020) January 28, 2021
That is of course assuming he still wants to coach. He has always been able to comfortably stream on Twitch and do other things. So it comes down to that more than anything else. The number of top competitive North American teams left means there aren't really any options at the moment.
In your personal opinion, would you prefer the current free cs landscape or a riot type deal where valve run everything. I live the openness of our scene, but in recent times it seems a multitude of scumbags are running it for everyone.
— Rajerino (@Asa__Jordan) January 28, 2021
If I had to pick between the two, I would still prefer that it stays the way it is now. I won't lie though, recently the idea of having a controlling overlord sounds more interesting than it ever has. The way they've handled the coaching bug and the jamppi situation has soured the way I feel about Valve.
Is that a chance kjaerbye will go back to North, to get his carrer in the right way?
— Victor Klockmann (@VKlockmann) January 29, 2021
I think there is definitely a chance. I expect him to go back to the Danish scene so that makes the most sense to me. It might not happen anytime soon though, I'm going to assume his buyout isn't cheap and North are not willing to pay much right now.
Now that 2021 major has been announced, do you think that any orgs will pick up NA teams? It seems weird that orgs are willing to let go of the sticker money considering how there's barely any competition to qualify for the majors in NA right now
— Parallelize (@Maneesh45609928) January 29, 2021
I don't think five open spots with Team Liquid, FURIA, and Evil Geniuses likely holding three of them is enough motivation for an organization to jump in. Outside of the $2 Million prize pool, having stickers in the game doesn't have the same appeal it once did. This is why I wish Valve would allow us to help crowdfund the prize pool and make it a bigger deal.
Any info on Ottond or Espiranto?
— Joonatan Kaija (@Jonttubb) January 28, 2021
Both are actively looking for new teams but I haven't heard of anything on the horizon. They could be great assets to a team together or separate. Hopefully more news on that soon.
How do you think C9 will progress in 2021, especially without having a primary dedicated awper at the top level?
— Dan (@dossucsgo) January 28, 2021
It still feels like they never played enough with one specific lineup and coach to really make a final decision on how good they can actually be. Therefore, I think if they play consistently without any speedbumps for a few months, we will finally be able to make a distinction. I do believe they will be a top 10 team with this lineup, but I'm not sure the firepower will be high enough in the right places to battle with Vitality, Astralis, and Na'Vi.
What’s gonna happen to obo now that he left complexity?
— jake from state farm (@csfan2003) January 29, 2021
I think someone picks him up rather quickly. It would be ridiculous to overlook such a good young talent that has some great experience under his belt now. He is free, so you aren't giving up much. It will just come down to what his offers are more than anything else. He won't be a free agent for very long, in my opinion.
Will NA orgs stay in EU for the RMR events (MIBR, Liquid, EG etc.) or will they go back to their region? If no we will see teams like Triumph or Extra Salt attend the major...don't think Valve wants this to happen.
— yetifauN (@yetifauNCS) January 28, 2021
Ultimately that will come down to where the RMR events take place. From what I have gathered, none of the organizers really want to split up the events like they were previously. Hopefully, if teams qualify for RMR events from other regions, they will be able to get to them one way or another. I don't expect Valve to help in any way though, sadly.
How do you envision CS as a franchise in the next 20 to 30 years? Do you think it will be still alive as an esports and as a game, regardless of whether we get a new version or continue with the current one?
— kaliN (@Entroff_) January 28, 2021
Absolutely. It has always stood the test of time and always will, as long as Counter-Strike has Valve's support. I don't believe it would be the best FPS if we were still playing CS:GO in 20 to 30 years. A new version would absolutely have to exist.