DeKay Mailbag Part 3: Declined FLASHPOINT Invites, Dead's Project, and Apeks' Long Term Plans


This is Part 3 of DeKay's monthly mailbag series where he answers questions regarding Counter-Strike: Global Offensive sent in on Twitter.

I haven't heard anything but I will agree, I would hate to see him waste his potential for too long. The thing is, he hasn't exactly played incredibly well with them, so I wouldn't expect much outside interest for his services.

A number of different reasons. Some organizations feel disinterested in helping FLASHPOINT out while signed up with ESL despite no actual exclusivity rules being in place. I heard of one team that was invited but their players weren't even notified before their org turned it down, despite them wanting to play. That's a shame for the players because almost every player is interested in playing in FLASHPOINT from what I've heard.

There are politics being played despite many organizations claiming they want the best for their teams.

I don't think that is even remotely an option, despite it not being a bad idea at all. Like I said in a previous part of the mailbag, his future as well as the remaining 100 Thieves players are still uncertain. It's all being worked on right now.

Valve does not care how many professional players leave to Valorant. I know some game developers really care about that, but I promise you that Valve doesn't. They just care about the game itself and nothing more.

It's kind of tough in this online climate to ensure that a team would perform just as well offline as they are doing now. Even though we are generally stuck online still, that is what people are building teams for. So given the current economic climate, I just don't see it happening with any relevant organizations.

From what I have heard, it would include one member at most. I think the idea is to develop a bit of young talent with a small amount of veteran presence on-board. It's still early but what has been explained to me is promising thus far. Definitely something to keep an eye on.

I think it's too early to make a conclusion just yet. They got an unfortunate draw at DreamHack having to play Vitality and then a red hot OG. Their performance at ESL Pro League wasn't all that bad so I'd like to see Karrigan work his magic a bit more.

I'll be honest, I'm not expecting much from them really. I think this is a temporary thing and nothing more. Hopefully, I'm wrong though and they get something going.

Dexter has always confused me because I just cannot believe he hasn't ever received international interest from other teams. So I'm going to assume he enjoys being at home and/or playing with his current teammates. I do think though that he is one of the top pieces of talent any team could get. He has always been a great player.

OG, Cloud9, FNATIC, and BIG. Nothing special from me.

When he was playing, his buyout was incredibly high. Maybe now, they are willing to lower it for teams who are interested. However, I haven't heard anything just yet.

It is my belief they eventually aim to do something like that. I haven't heard that straight up, but I'm willing to bet that is the long term goal. They have the resources to make it happen for sure.