Destiny 2 Presage Secrets Explained
By Allan Zeng

Destiny 2 just added the Presage exotic quest on the Tuesday reset, and naturally, there are many secrets to uncover. The exotic quest rewards the exotic scout rifle Dead Man's Tale and takes players to the Glykon, an abandoned ghost ship filled with Scorn, in a response to a Guardian's distress signal. And of course, being a ghost ship there's more to it than meets the eye.
We're not supposed to be here...
— Destiny 2 (@DestinyTheGame) February 16, 2021
Destiny 2 Presage Secrets Explained
In the Presage Mission, there are five hidden scannable objects that , when scanned, reveal details about the mystery of the Glykon. Scanning all five will grant players the Figments of an Answer triumph. Here's the location of all five objects.
As you can see from the video of YouTuber Esoterickk, the five hidden objects will require players to have a keen eye and search their surroundings.
The first object is the Cabal corpse players will find in the first room after obtaining the first spore buff. It's one of the easier ones to find, as it's pretty hard to not notice.
The second object is a grinder on the floor of a room near the electric barrier. Once you come to the electric walls, cross the chasm to go to the next room and the grinder will be on the floor.
The third object is the ship in the hangar where players fight the two abominations. It's at the far side of the room, and will likely require players to clear the hangar of enemies before scanning it, lest they be killed.
The fourth object may be tricky to get to. It's near the second electrical barrier players will encounter, and they'll need to disable the barrier by pulling a lever and destroying the panel that powers the electricity. After that, players must go into the room the barrier is blocking, and go to the space on the left, where they'll find the dark ether canisters on the floor.
The fifth object can only be scanned after the boss fight. Players should leave the room through a newly opened door, blow a hole in the floor and drop down into a red ventilation shaft. Continuing forward will take them to the last object, a hologram of Calus' head.
Affter all five objects are scanned, players will have learned a little more about the Glykon and earn the Figments of an Answer Triumph.